
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Nash!

Nash turns 7 today. Happy Birthday buddy! We love having you in our family. Thanks for being such a good boy and a great brother to Canyon and Coleman. Here are some things we love about Nash.

He is a planner, he has a plan for each day, which usually differs with mine, but we are grateful he seems to think ahead and plan things out.

He is creative-loves building with legos, set up obstacle coarses outside or draw.

He is athletic and adventurous. He loves being outside playing basketball, soccer, baseball, bad-mitten, or going for a hike,
walk, or bike ride.

He easily makes friends and loves to be with them.

He is funny and has a big personality, which you will surely see if you know him well.

He is always kind and usually puts others before himself when someone is in need or sad. He loves to show affection for others and has such a big heart.

We LOVE YOU Nash!!


Amy {The Idea Room} said...

I am your blog stalker and you finally put up a new post! Yeah!!! Happy birthday Nash! Can't wait for the party. July birthdays rock. Especially ones on the 1 and 2!!

Tara said...

Happy Birthday Nash! We love you. You are a great kid. I remember when you were born. What an exciting day.

Krista said...

What a cute slideshow...Ty watched it with me and he said " I remember that kid, I want to play with him again"

Happy Birthday Nash!

Andrea said...

love the pictures. The one of Brandon crying with his newborn made me cry too! This post reminds me ofhow much we miss you guys