
Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My sister Amy tagged me about a week ago and she will be glad I am finally finishing this post. So here it goes:

1. If you know me well, you know I have really long fingers. Well, I guess you couldn't miss them even if you didn't know me, but anyway, ever since I was little I have loved finding my "comfy spots" for them. I can't really explain the different positions I put them in, so if you are that curious you can ask me what they are and I will show you. But, once my hands are in that comfy spot I don't want to move them. 'No, I can't grab that remote or change the channel on the radio, or write down that message for you-I don't want to move my fingers'. If it is something easy that I can do and still be able to keep my hands in that position, then fine I will do it for you. Weird I know, but it relaxes me.

2. Sometimes when I drive I have to try REALLY hard to not think about what could happen if I accidentally yanked the steering wheel to the right and made us all fall off the cliff to our death. Or accidentallly opened the car door and leaped to my own death. If I think about it too much I feel like I have to really have to stop myself from doing it. Scary, huh! Hopefully you won't worry too much when you get a ride with me (ha, ha). I haven't done it yet!

3. I worry about death WAY too much. It has gotten a little better since I taught a Relief Society lesson on death a few years ago. But, when I start to worry about it I can't stop thinking about it, and I usually play the whole scenerio out in my head. The person (usually my husband or one of my children) dies, and I think about how I would feel, what the funeral would be like, what life would be like without them, the regrets I would have, etc... I usually cry myself to sleep when I get in these moods, or I will wake up from a dream and cry and cry and cry until I fall back asleep in my hubby's arms. Brandon hates when I worry about it so much, it usually stresses him out, so I try to just keep it to myself (hopefully he doesn't read this, he doesn't know that). But, like I said it has gotten better in the last few years.

4. I secretly like R&B music (when it is clean). I know, that is so embarassing! I like Chris Brown-but, it does drive me crazy when he sings like he has never been taught proper English. Not that I am any expert in that area, but can't you say "Forever" instead of "Foreva"? I also like Usher and Justin Timberlake. Moving on...

5. Certain things belong in certain places in my house. 'No honey, your keys, wallet, and phone don't go right on the island in the kitchen, they go over on the table in the tray, in the corner.' Infact, I go crazy if anything is out on the kitchen counters when we are not preparing a meal or eating. Not that my house is clean all the time, because it can't be with three young boys, but it just feels better when things are in their place. Nash is starting to like things in their place as well. When the house is extra tidy and everything is in place, he will come home from school and say 'Oh mom, good job, I love when the house is SO clean'. But that doesn't mean that he keeps everything clean or puts all his things away either.

6. I really hate putting laundry away. I don't mind doing the laundry or folding it, but it might sit folded in the laundry room for a few days. I don't know why, I just don't like doing it. And it does drive me crazy that it is not put away where it is supposed to be. I have to talk myself into doing it, or plan it in part of my day.

7. I can't really think of anything else that is weird or random right now. Maybe my sisters could add this last one if they can think of anything.

I tag: Mandy, Hilary, Kristel, Andrea, Jen I., Krista, and Melissa K.-if they reallly want to do it!!!


Amy {The Idea Room} said...

And you thought I was weird? Seriously...I am going to start looking into some counseling for you!!! Poor Brandon! HEHE I am just kidding of course. I can say that cause I am your mean Big sister!! Thanks for playing along!!

carol said...

I can think of a few! j/k

Krista said...

I love your long fingers, but I never knew you had comfy spots for them lol. You crack me up.

I am on the same page as you when it comes to laundry. I wash, dry, fold and then I even put all the clothes folded back into the basket to carry upstairs and then they just sit on my bedroom floor. It drives me crazy but I still usually put down the basket and start doing something else, I need to work on just finishing the task before I start something else. It's always sad when Darren goes straight to the basket on the floor first instead of his drawers.

Give me until after this week and I will try to put the tag on my blog.

Krista said...

oh and one more thing, you need to take pictures of my family....I love all your photos. You are getting better and better, its fun that you post your work. What a great hobby!

DIY Daily Darling! said...

I have fun reading your blog. I am sending you my e-mail so I can give you an invite to my blog. I put it private a little while ago. I love reading and seeing what you and your sisters and brothers have been up to. I'll send any of them an invite too if you pass along my e-mail and they are interrested they can send me a hello.

Jen I said...

Ok, good Halloween post as it started out a little morbid! Ok, I worry about death too - like what would my poor little boys do if I just choked to death while I was alone with all of them?? Ok, yeah, you just can't worry about stuff like that though. I just have to pass by those thoughts really quick!

As for the clean house - I love that Nash is picking up on it and even compliments you! I wish my HUSBAND would even pick up on that!

Anyway, I was even listening to Justin Timberlake as I read your post... :)

I did this tag a while back. It was HARD for me to think of that many things even once! Yours were truly interesting!