
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We have a new family member...

...his name is Alvin! He seems to be someone who doesn't always want to follow the rules because I constantly hear Coleman in an angry voice yelling "AAAllllvvviinnn" down the stairs. Alvin likes to come and ring the doorbell at dinner time. Coleman always answers the door for him and says, "how nice to see you, Alvin". Coleman then makes sure he always has somewhere to sit at the dinner table.

Alvin follows Coleman around where ever he goes and sometimes Coleman likes to boss him around, saying "no, don't do that", "come on, let's go downstairs", or "you need a TIME OUT!". Apparently he is a big talker in the car. He has many conversations with Coleman and sometimes I can't understand what the conversations are about, but they seem to enjoy each others company.

Sometimes at dinner it's Aunt Hilarys' or cousin Logans' turn to come and sit with us for dinner and I am not sure where Alvin has gone. Coleman doesn't seem to worried about him though. He is SO happy to have Hilary over or Logan to play with.

Just a few seconds ago Coleman yelled to Alvin, "come cut some play dough". In a high squeaky voice Alvin just answered "okay". Wow, sometimes it is really fun when Alvin speaks, he is usually pretty quiet!

I am not quite sure how I feel about our new family member, actually it kind of bothers me. He makes Coleman look and act a little strange at times, and frankly kind of crazy. I definitely don't encourage him to have Alvin around. The boys sure like having Alvin around, they think it is hilarious!! They will try anything to bring him back if he has been gone for a while. We will have to wait and see how long he sticks around. I don't know if I am ready for an even more crowded house!


Nguyen Family said...

Oh I can just imagine it now.. :o) I am sure he isn't acting any crazier than any other three year old!

Tara said...

I am with the boys and think it is hilarious, but as a mother I know what you mean about not encouraging Alvin to hang around. What a funny kid!

Melissa Bigelow said...

How funny! At least you don't have to feed him. 3 boys eat enough as it is!

Andrea said...

Has Coleman been talking to Zoey Slivka? I always wondered how Becky felt about having to care for extra kids. Isn't it funny how their minds work sometimes.

Becky Slivka said...

I am way impressed with your hat and all your abilities. I hear you loud and clear with the imaginary friends. Zoey is still carting around friends, but they seem to rotate everyday. Like right now she and Isaac are playing with Mufasa, Simba, and Billie and I oculdn't get her to listen to me if I wanted to. But on a happier note, it's giving me some computer time. Good luck with Alvin, Zoey pawns off her bad ideas on her friends too. I have no idea how long this phase lasts, but we are going on over a year now, so good luck!